Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Chemo 2 and thanks giving

Wow.... it took me a little by surprise how hard chemo 2 was. I think in the back of my mind I thought it would be easier - like when you have had some practice, the task goes better, or smoother or something. I was just knocked off my feet. Still, it was easier than many people experience and for that I am grateful. I just was not prepared to be so very tired or to take so long for the shakes and wobbliness to go away.
Thank you to everyone who texted and sent cards... little boosts everyday made a BIG difference.

Today is the start of week three and I feel good.

As this holiday approaches, I hope you find a lot in your lives to be grateful for and to give thanks for.
1. I am grateful for family and for all the joy they have brought me over the years. My husband is a saint and without his good cheer, coaching, and help I would not be able to get through this.
2. I am thankful for good work to do. Our jobs in education are so important and so meaningful. And I am grateful for the blessing of being able to work with amazing, talented, caring people. Some I just get to watch and marvel at fro afar and some I work closely with. My office mates, from Chuck to Brenda make my life so much richer. The teachers I have the priviledge to know and associate with make me smile, warm my heart, and really give purpose to what I do (hopefully again soon).
4. The many, many survivors of this nasty disease in all it's forms, deserve special thanks. It is like that saying, "walking on the shoulders of giants". I did not realize just how many people in our system have been through cancer. The stories they share, the tips they lend; all of it helps to give confidence and to make the journey bearable and better in many ways.
If you know one of them, please think about saying thank you for what they have done and continue to do.

I have my PET Scan on Tuesday. Please pray this tumor has shrunk, if you are so inclined. Then on Wednesday Dr. Lu, Mark and I will talk about the next step. We hope the tumor shrinks enough to do surgery... removing the lung hinges on that. Now that I feel better, I will try to stay a little more current with this blog. I love your comments and I am sorry I took so long writing this time.

I give thanks for you every single day, I really do. I am so grateful for the support and the keeping in touch and for all your good wishes. I hope for you all that Thursday is restful, fun, and filled with even more reasons to be thankful !


  1. Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving surrounded by family and friends who love you dearly.
    Love you,
    Laura MV

  2. Thinking of you today!����

  3. Thinking of you Kathy and hoping and praying that you have good news today!!! There is not a day that goes by that you are not in my thoughts. Love and hugs to you! Xoxo
