Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Great news today

I had my PET scan yesterday. It was a little like a CT scan and a little like an MRI. I was shot with a syringe of radioactive isotopes, "relaxed" for an hour as they made their way around my body, and then spent another 45 minutes in the machine being slowly scanned from eyes to thighs.

Today I had my appointment with Dr. Lu, my oncologist, to find out the results. I had wound myself up so tightly I forgot to take the notebook I have been using to capture what everyone tells me or asks me to do about this disease. So I can't tell you exact numbers but... In Dr. Lu's words, "The tumor shrank significantly and the brightness of the cancer (how it was lit up by the isotopes) was significantly diminished."

So, he had called Dr. Aye yesterday to share the news and Dr. Aye says I am a candidate for the surgery to remove the portion of my lung that contains the cancer! Dr. Lu told me to be sure and call Dr. Aye to set up a consultation for next week.

Because the surgery may not be until the end of the month, evidently Dr. Aye is going on vacation, Dr. Lu suggested we think about doing another round of chemo. There is always a chance the tumor could re-grow. For us there was nothing to think about; we would rather be safe than sorry. Dr. Lu tried to fit me in this afternoon, but the chemo infusion center was booked solid so instead I will have a new chemo therapy regimine tomorrow morning.

As we were driving home Dr. Aye's office called us. We will travel to Seattle to see him at Swedish hospital next Tuesday to talk about the specifics of the surgery.

I know many of you have been praying and sending good thoughts for me. I appreciate them all and I believe they helped make a difference. I hope you will continue. Because the chemo has worked so well and I am going to have the operation, Dr. Lu says there's a very good chance I can be cured of the lung cancer. I hope you will continue to help me achieve that result!


  1. Amazing news!!! I am so happy to hear this. Sending you big hugs!!!

  2. Of course we can and of course you will! Together we are all pulling for you! Congrats!

  3. that is awesome news! I'll continue to pray for your cure! HUGS!!!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Kathy I am so happy for you! This is the best news ever! You are in my prayers for healing and to kick that beast to the curb!!

  5. Yeah, so happy to hear the good news!! Hope to see you soon!

  6. Yay!!! I knew it stood no chance against you!!! Drive safe and try to have a little fun seeing something new!! Hugs and love!!!
