Thursday, December 8, 2016

News from Swedish visit

So, on the day of my latest /chemo infusion, December 1st, Dr. Aye's office called and asked if I could come a day early for another needle biopsy December 5th.
I had a minor meltdown but of course said "Yes".
Dr. Aye called me that evening to re=-assure me it was not more cancer. It was a tiny spot on my right lung that the Swedish radiologists thought might be growing. He said those guys "are among
 the best in the world" and they wanted to take a look at it.
It was an "Opportunistic infection"; when the immune system is depressed by the chemo other things can pop up. But they were not able to identify precisely what it is. So to get rid of it they are going to remove a small wedge of that lung, maybe December 27th.

The other news is that the cancerous tumor has shrunk about 50%!! He is hoping to see further shrinkage with this round of chemotherapy. They will let me heal from the wedge (which is just an overnight stay at Swedish) and probably remove that left lung in mid January. Dr. aye was really pleased with the way the tumor had responded to the chemo.

Please, if you are so inclined, do not stop the prayers and good wishes. I know they are part of this equation, too! I am beyond grateful for those of you who keep in touch and who comment on the blog or reach out in other ways. Thank you for helping me along this journey.


  1. Praying for you Kathy and wishing you all the best.
    Coleen Culmer

  2. These posts just get better and better!! I'm so happy your doctors are looking out for you in every way and being proactive!!!!

  3. 50% is awesome! Love they are really looking at everything and giving you outstanding care. Praise God!

  4. We will continue to pray for you Kathy and to pray for your doctors. I am so happy that they are being proactive and positive!!! You are amazing and we love you!!! Love ya, Jennifer Jordan

  5. We are so thankful that you have such competent doctors looking after you and that you are on your way to being cancer free!! Your strength is so uplifting and powerful. Our thoughts and prayers are always with you.

  6. I'm so glad your body is responding to the chemo in a positive way!! Keep battling and prayers have definitely continued.

  7. 50% shrinkage is awesome!!! Cheering you on and praying❤️
