Monday, December 19, 2016

At the risk of sounding like Sheldon Cooper...

My brother has been impressed with how many of you continue to follow this blog and to make comments. I am most grateful. as I have told you before it bouys me up, helps me stay strong.
He said it reminded him of a quote from Lord of the Rings:
You can trust us to stick to you through thick and thin ...But you cannot trust us to let you face trouble alone, and go off without a word. We are your friends, Frodo. Anyway there it is. ... We are horribly afraid but we are coming with you or following you like hounds."

No reason for you to be horribly afraid, of course, but the rest of the sentiment seemed appropriate. And I am so grateful.

Here is an update:
I have my wedge procedure on January 3rd. I am grateful for the change of date: gift-buying and giving is over,  baking and cooking and decorating are finished, holiday celebrations are done. By that time people will be ready to concentrate on work again and that is comforting to me.
This is what I know about the procedure; They will mark the spot where the infection is and my right lung/side of the chest. The Doctor will make 3 small incisions in the skin and then make a slice/wedge on the lung, gathering up the infected spot. They will put a chest tube in and keep my overnight in the hospital. If all goes well, they will release me to come home the next day.

So, that is the goal - for all to go well so I can come home, heal up, and get ready for the big surgery to remove the left side of my lung.

Thank you again for all you do; for the comments, the e-mails, the texts, the cards and most of all the prayers and good wishes. I am thankful for everything and for each and every one of you. I hope you have the Merriest of Christmasses!! Enjoy your friends and families to the maximum.... and then get some rest for yourselves.


  1. Thanks so much for the update. We all hang on every word and check this blog spot faithfully each day hoping there is yet another missive from you. Keep up the good fight and a merriest of Christmas to you as well!♥️

  2. Love the date change too so more time to focus and enjoy the holidays!!! Sending So Much love!!! Thanks for the update!!!

  3. I am also happy for the date change. I know you will have a wonderful Christmas with your beautiful family. I will be thinking of always.

  4. What a great quote! It is so fitting :-) I am glad for the date change also! Enjoy the season and your loved ones and make some wonderful, special memories.♥️❄️🎄
    Cheering and prayers for you continue. ♥️

  5. Here's hoping you are having a restful and family filled Christmas break.

  6. Kathy, you are always in my thoughts. Sending hugs and prayers and good wishes. This is a New Year and I'm hoping it is the Happiest for you!! I know it will be. You never stop amazing me with your strength and I hope you feel all of the prayers and positive thoughts we are all sending your way. I am so thankful for this blog and for you and for your wonderful doctors. Can't wait to see your beautiful face, soon I hope. Keep writing and Happy New Year!! Xoxoxo
