Saturday, April 1, 2017

Visit with Dr. Aye, March 29

Mark and I went to Seattle to meet with my surgeon, Dr. Aye last Wednesday. It was for my 6 week check-up after he removed my left lung.

If you will notice the right lung is a little bit larger than the left and it has 3 lobes, where the left only has 2. So, I got to keep the better lung, the "right" lung.

The heart sits a little back and between the 2 lungs. and the trachea comes partway down between the lungs. As with a lot of our organs and senses, when we lose one, often other things get stronger to compensate. For example; many blind people have heightened senses of smell and/or hearing. As a result of the little bits of exercise I have been able to do since coming home from the hospital, my right lung has increased a little in size. It has started to push the trachea and the heart a little left of center! Which is a good thing - one we will hope continues.

Dr. Lu and Dr. Aye want me to do radiation and we will meet with Dr. Lawenda on Friday the 7th to figure that out. I had those 2 tiny lymph nodes in my media-stenium in October. the cleaned them out when I had the media-stenectomy and they have not come back. But just in case there are tiny "seeds" of cancer hiding in there we will do radiation as a preventative measure.

Thank you to all of you who read and send me comments about this blog. Thank you for your texts, your cards, your visits, your good thoughts... I saw a commercial after the Gonzaga game that said the hardest part of fighting any cancer is your mentality. My doctors have said the same thing. Without your constant concern and keeping connected, Mark and I aren't sure we could have come this far, certainly it would have been much, much harder without you. Thank you.

I'll let you know how the radiation goes.


  1. This is great!!!! Walking buddy is ready whenever you need! Two littles will be happy to get out of the house!!!

  2. So good to hear your update. You are such a trooper and I so appreciate your help in "seeing the science" in this challenge. Hope that radiation goes well and remember we are all thinking of you.
