Sunday, September 25, 2016

Dusty's battle cry

My son Dusty came over Wednesday and said as he left, "Yesterday was our day to be sad. From now on we fight." I think of statement several times every day.

I want you to think of that, too, and don't be sad any more. Look around you at the people who have fought, and beat, cancer. Some of them more than once. Our district is filled with heroic men and women who have tackled something like this and come out victorious. Deb Fancher, Donna Grubaugh, Kristi Privette, Martha Sandusky, and Denise Wimmett's daughter are just a few. In each of your inner circles and families there are many, many more.

This is a blimp, a bump in my road, If you were honest, many of you have at one time or another thought I was a mean bitch. I can be tough and I am strong-willed. I am a fighter and I know, deep in my heart, that I am going to be fine.

But, I don't want to minimize the impact that your support will have. I know I need help. Michele Earley sends me a profane text every morning that makes me laugh and puts a smile on my face and helps me start my day with an easy heart. I will forever and ever be grateful to that extraordinary woman!

There is a Beatles song with a chorus that says
"I get by with a little help from my friends,
I get high with a little help from my friends,
Going to try with a little help from my friends"

I just realized how sappy I am getting - I promise not to do it again. Thank you all for your good wishes and support. Mark and I both appreciate you so very, very much! 


  1. I love that you have this!!!! Thank you for sharing your journey and for keeping us in the loop!!!!

  2. Love love the blog!! Thank you for creating it!!

  3. Kathy, I learn so much from you. I didn't know how this whole blog, google account thing worked and I SO wanted to be able to follow and comment on your new blog. So I played around with it and I think I figured it out! Yay! So thank you! Thank you for teaching some of us about blogs and for teaching us how to tackle those damn bumps in the road head on!! Sending hugs

  4. You are one of those heroic women and you will beat this.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Your positivity and determination to fight is what is going to get you through this! I have no doubt that you will come out on the other side of this an even stronger woman than you are before! Love you so much!!!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. What a testament to strength and perseverance you are, and because of that, you will beat this. Always a positive role model for others you are.

  8. So lucky to have you in MY life!! Greatfulto follow your journey as you kick this things butt!! You are one of the toughest women I know and you got this!!! Loves!!! Xoxoxo

  9. Since I started teaching you have been our fearless leader, my role model, a sounding board for advice, and most of all a beautiful friend. It is our turn, as your friends to be here to listen, give hugs, prayers, and to take care of you like you always do for us. Your strength, faith, and passion for what tomorrow will bring, will get you through this. Thank you for sharing your journey with us, so we can be there to give you support each step of the way.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. You have inspired, motivated, and helped many of us to become better educators. You possess such conviction and passion in all you take on. This journey will be no different and you will WIN the battle. Your son's comment was short yet so powerful!!! Sending strength and prayers your way Kathy!

  12. I love Dusty's battle cry!! Yes, we fight!! You got this! WE are all praying for you and your family!! Love you as big as the world!! You are one inspirational, motivating humans I know!! #fightingforfisk

  13. I absolutely love that song! I am so glad Natalie shared your amazing blog with me and that Jo and Dave were able to help you set it up! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you go through this time in your life. I am so lucky to have gotten to know you over the past few years as my math Yoda, guru, and friend. Please don't forget I will be working with you again very shortly in the near future! I love you Kathy!!! -Melyssa Wandling

  14. I absolutely love that song! I am so glad Natalie shared your amazing blog with me and that Jo and Dave were able to help you set it up! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family as you go through this time in your life. I am so lucky to have gotten to know you over the past few years as my math Yoda, guru, and friend. Please don't forget I will be working with you again very shortly in the near future! I love you Kathy!!! -Melyssa Wandling

  15. Kathy, Caitlin showed me your blog. I love Dusty's battle cry! I am so lucky and blessed to have been able to work with you in both math and the book study while in KSD. You will beat this without a doubt in my mind! Love and hugs!
