Thursday, October 20, 2016

finishing up the first chemo

Michele had asked if she could be with me on the first chemo treatment and I jumped at the offer. It would be impossible foe me to describe this woman with any kind of accuracy; she is strong, big-hearted, generous, honest, ... get a writers dictionary and look for great character traits and it still probably wouldn't do her justice. She is one of the true blessings that came into my life because Chuck took a chance on me and gave me this job I have loved.

Michele picked me up at 8:45 for the 9:15 chemo appointment. We packed up her car and headed out. We got to the roundabout on Clearwater when I got a phone call that the appointment was being delayed until 11:00. Any of you who know me are probably glad you were not in that car at that point. But one of Dr. Lu's patients was put in the hospital and he needed to be with them before he saw me. With Michele's calming presence, I was able to see it really wasn't that big a deal for me, and it likely was for the other person.

So sweet Michele drove us around and we ended up taking a lovely walk in Columbia Park, which was spectacularly decked out in fall leaves. The river itself was smooth and beautiful. It was peaceful and calming.

We met with Dr. Lu for awhile and them went down and got all hooked up and the chemo started. It is a really efficient and not at all unpleasant. About that time my sweet friend Deb Fancher (also an extraordinary person with limitless cheer and heart) came by.

  Because I am bossy by nature, I asked them to turn some of your photos and sayings and quotes into a framed piece I can look at every day. They worked like happy children and it was balm to my soul... made me just relax.
Here is what they came up with. I hope many of you recognize pieces of your support here.

We have enough for almost another (that is a hint not to stop sending the inspirational sayings - they matter to me, I feed off of them!)


  1. Kathy you are in my thoughts and prayers every single day!! Sending love and hugs

  2. Thinking of you, how are you feeling?

  3. Thinking of you, how are you feeling?

  4. Just another person thinking of you!

  5. you a pretty tough and sassy! :) Good to see!
