Thursday, October 13, 2016

Implanting the port

I apologize for not having any pictures to share with you of this procedure. I debated about taking a photo of my chest with the port in it.... but decided to spare you all that. I am still orange from the antiseptic they swab you with.

I had surgery to implant my port yesterday. I am very grateful for this piece of medical technology. I have small veins that collapse, especially when I can't eat or drink before a procedure. Often nurses have a hard time finding one to put an IV in and that small thing becomes more painful than what follows.  For example, at Lourdes when they did the needle biopsy last month we had this funny, chatty, big hearted pre-op nurse who just could not get the IV in. I had tears, she had tears ... it was, in a way, very sweet that she was so compassionate.

This port will mean that we won't have to struggle with those things anymore! It sits right under my skin a couple of inches below the collarbone. It is not unsightly at all and does not hurt. The docs and nurses will access the port to give me the chemotherapy dose, add any other IV fluids as needed and they can also draw blood from it when they need to. Easy-peasy!

Also, Deb Fancher and Sue Ingraham told me about a patch that has helped them deal better with anesthesia, so I asked the lovely gentleman who was my anesthesiologist if I could try one yesterday. Wow!! What a difference. I woke up right when I should have, had no nausea or dizziness, ate several graham crackers and drank 2 apple juices, and went home less than 2 hours after the procedure.  Thank you ladies!! With your help we have conquered one more hardship and made the journey a little smoother. 


  1. I am so thankful for the kind, compassionate people you are coming in to contact with on this journey! What a blessing!

  2. Once again a wonderful blessing! What wonderful friends for sharing something so helpful!! Glad you were in and out!

  3. I'm glad to hear this procedure went smoothly. Yes, having the port will make things easier. Take care my friend.

  4. Glad to hear that things are going smooth!! Continued thoughts and prayers!
