Sunday, October 2, 2016

Some of the best medicine!

  This is my 14.5 (see the math?) month old grandson, Emerson. We had an awesome day yesterday!  My son James and his lovely wife Christy brought Emerson down from Spokane to spend some time with grandma. He is beautiful and happy and so much fun to be around. Dusty came over, too, so the whole family was here. That in and of itself was beyond wonderful!! And good medicine.
This little man entertained us all, all day long (and wore us out). It took all 5 of us to keep up with him. He moved rocks, rode a little scooter we just bought (backwards seems to be more fun than forward), and had his first experience with our pop-up underground sprinklers (they caught him unawares as he was chasing a dog across the yard).
Emerson evidently didn't think much of my kitchen organization; he spent considerable time moving Tupperware, lids, bowls, paper plates and napkins, etc. from one place to another and being rather emphatic about us leaving things where he put them. If we moved anything back, he moved it to the new place again!

  Notice he has on a Johnny Cash shirt. His other grandma has bought him a small drum set with a bass, a snare, and a cymbal. When he found my metal mixing bowl he sat down on the rug and started beating on it! So we found a big wooden spoon and then added a medium snap-ware bowl to the mix. It was so entertaining! He pounded on the tops, turned them over, pounded on the rims, used the scoop of the spoon and then used the skinny part of the handle... that kind of exploring intelligence is what has always drawn me to teaching. Watching the wheels turn is so exciting! I was just mesmerized by his experimentation and purposefulness...

I woke up this morning with no nausea and very little anxiety. The love and attention of friends and family really, truly is the very best medicine! Thank you for the cards, the comments, the hugs, the prayers.


  1. What a little angel! I'm sure he was good for your soul. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs my friend!

  2. This blog is great medicine for all of us who were so anxious to hear something - anything about how you are doing. It sounds like the score for attitude is 10/10. The score for health care is 10/10. And the score for being wrapped up in the arms of friends is 12/10!!! Beat this thing and keep doing as you are doing - teaching us all what it looks like to be strong and ever a teacher!

  3. Absolutely LOVE this!!! Nothing better!!!!

  4. Sounds like a fabulous day. Glad the anxiety and nausea were better today. Celebrating life's joys!

  5. Dear Kathy,

    I am so sorry that you are going through all of this. I guess that explains the cough that was driving you crazy and would not go away. I love your spunky attitude and it will serve you well through this. My prayers are with you and your family. I don't know your believes but I have a big belief in the power of prayer. I will be praying for you.

    My heart is with you and if you need anything from me let me know,
    Jodi Kendall

  6. Grandkids are the best! Yours is absolutely precious!

  7. What a lovely picture! A beautiful boy with his beautiful grandma! Kathy, thank you for sharing your journey with us--we can all learn from you as you handle this with grace and class. Know that you are loved my friend!
    Sheila LaSalle

  8. Kathy,

    I'm so sorry that you have to travel on this particular road. I want you to know that we are all praying for you at Christ the King. I will miss your enthusiasm and spunk at the STEM meetings but anxiously await your return. Stay strong and find strength in your faith.
    Julie Sijgers

  9. How precious!! Emerson is darling and I can see how he brightens your world. Isn't grandma-hood the best?
    Caring thoughts are coming your way. :)

  10. Oh Kathy, he is just beautiful. The joy our little ones bring us is immeasurable! Love love love the pictures and the stories. I get to see my babies this weekend. Yes...being a grandma is the best!
